Saturday, March 21, 2009


The Blog is being set up to track the ongoing campaign of the Sunday Night Gamers in North York, Ontario.

This Campaign was originally started in D&D 3.5e and there are plans to reincarnate the campaign in D&D 4e. (Assuming the DM rolls the appropriate numbers on the reincarnate campaign table, otherwise we might be playing it with the Starwars, Cyberpunk, or Rifts rules).

Characters in this campaign will be starting at 27th level, and will be a port from the 3.5e character, staying as true to the original character as possible/practical. Characters can select one level 30 item, one level 29 item, one level 28 item, one level 27 item, then double appropriate gold.

Players creating new characters (Dave) are invited to create a 27th level character, with no limitations on class or race. Use standard item selection rules (one 28th, one 27th, and one 26th level item) then use double the appropriate gold.

All characters can carry 3 potions and 5 ritual scrolls ( doens't mean you can actually cast the scroll, just you can have it).


  1. Seeing as monks are not in 4E I'll need to figure out how I am going to handle Matreksis. I'll start by comparing his 3.5 damage versus something relatively the same in 4E. The real problem is going to be his powers. *scratches head* If it proves to be a royal pain in the ass I'll just make up something new that fits the motivations and background of the karate-chopping teleporter.

  2. Yeah I'll give you carte-blanche to create your own powers etc. that you think are on par with other classes. Not sure if anyone has attempted to create a monk class out there.

    Whould a Monk be a Striker or Controller?

  3. I haven't read this yet, but A Butterfly Dreaming came up with some Monk rules for 4e.

    I would imagine that Monks are Strikers, though I could see an arguement for a melee controller.

  4. I checked out that link. The guy has put a LOT of thought into the 4E monk. I'll definitely be given it a thorough persue when I get some time.
